
Building a Better Business Card — Our Top Construction BC Ideas and Tips

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Have you heard that they’re doing nonstop construction on Big Ben?

Yeah, they’re really working around the clock on that project. 💪

You’ve got to take your laughs when you can get them, right? Especially when you’re working in construction — because we know that isn’t the easiest job out there. Long hours, inclement weather, backbreaking labor, dangerous machinery, the list goes on. If you’re a construction business owner, then don’t forget to add the hassle of things like:

  • Managing projects
  • Hiring workers
  • Building your business
  • Dealing with paperwork

And of course, networking. After all, you’ve got to get those clients and contracts if you want to keep your business going and growing. Good news? We might be able to help with that. Ready to learn more about construction business cards? 😉

We’ve put together a quick and easy guide to tell you everything you need to know about designing your construction business card. We’ve also thrown in twelve great construction business card ideas to help kickstart your creativity.

What to Put On a Business Card:
8 Must-Have Elements (and 4 To Avoid)

How a Great Construction Business Card Design Can Benefit You

Okay, we know what you’re probably thinking: why bother with a business card when your work speaks for itself? 😏 No matter how great your business is, a professionally designed business card offers some serious perks that you just can’t ignore. Let’s look at a few.

✅ They help instill a sense of trust and credibility

It’s hard to put your trust in a stranger, especially when it comes to big things like construction jobs. A clean, well-designed business card can help with that.

✅ They make it easier to form connections

There’s something so personal about a business card. A stunning card can be a great conversation starter, a place to jot down a quick note or personalized doodle, or a way to form a quick connection with a potential client.

✅ They can make you unforgettable

One of the most important jobs your card has is to represent your unique brand and help you stand out from the competition. A little bit of effort (or a professional designer) can earn your card a semi-permanent spot in your client’s wallet (at least until they clean it out). 😁

It can also mean the difference between landing that new commission or going back to the office empty-handed.

✅ They identify you as a professional

Sure, everyone has a phone on them, but you know what’s more impressive? Whipping out your professionally designed business card next time a client asks for your contact info. Always be prepared with your business card and we guarantee you’re going to exude confidence and professionalism.

We get it — sometimes you’re too busy to dedicate time to design.
That’s why we offer unlimited professional design.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Construction Business Card Design

Now that we’ve determined that a great business card is a must-have, the next step is to design it. If you’re keen to try and design construction business cards yourself, here’s a quick step-by-step guide.

1. Choose a shape and size

From classic rectangles to die-cut designs, the sky is the limit when it comes to the shape of your card. As for size, we recommend sticking as close to wallet-sized as possible.

❗Hack – Don’t go too big, too small, or too crazy. An inconvenient card is destined for the trash.

2. Add in your visuals

Make sure your logo is immediately visible (you do have a logo, right?), and then add in any extra visuals as needed. These can be graphics, icons, images of your work, etc.

❗Hack – Visuals may be fun to look at, but they shouldn’t overwhelm your card.

3. Nail down the text

Your card should include all your necessary contact info such as your name, business name, phone number, email, etc.

❗Hack – Keep your contact info clear and conspicuous.

4. Get creative with fonts and colors

With your layout in place, now you’re ready to add some flair to your card with typography and color.

❗Hack – Use creative but readable fonts, and don’t be afraid to test out different sizes.

Want to build a better business card?
When you work with our designers, quality is guaranteed.

5. Hammer out any problems

Your card is coming together; now it’s time to tidy things and make sure it’s ready for your clients. Double-check your grammar, layout, and overall design.

❗Hack – It can be helpful to get an outside opinion on your card before you send it off to be printed.

12 Awesome Construction Business Card Ideas

So, what does a great construction business card design look like? Here are a few great ideas to draw inspiration from when designing your card.

1. Use contrasting colors

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Vibrant yellow contrasts beautifully with matte black to a refreshingly bold pop of color. An added bonus is that black and yellow are commonly associated with building and construction, meaning that these colors are pulling double duty.

We also love the simple, clean, and professional-looking design.

2. Make your logo extra visible

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By keeping the logo in a prominent position, this business card makes it more likely that clients will recognize the business the next time they see it. We like how this example includes a large logo on both sides.

Also, note the cohesive color scheme that helps tie everything together.

3. Experiment with alternative materials

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Who says business cards have to be made from paper? Why not opt for an alternative material such as wood, metal, or plastic?

Not only will doing this help you stand out from the competition, but it may also help keep your card out of the trash can.

4. Include plenty of white space

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Even if you have a lot going on with your card, you can still make it feel clutter-free with lots of white space.

Not only will this improve your card design, but it’s also a great place to jot down a note, piece of info, doodle, or anything else that will help you forge a connection with a client.

5. Pick strong fonts

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Yes, your font should be easy to read, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. We love how this card utilizes bold typography in a variety of sizes.

Not only does it look great, but it also helps compartmentalize the info on the card.

6. Keep things minimal

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Nothing screams professional like a clean and minimalist card design. We’re digging the way this card looks with its bold contrasting colors, awesome logo, and simple, uncluttered layout.

Everything is perfectly balanced, making this card a standout example of how to win by focusing only on the essentials.

7. Include all of your info

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Your business card should offer a lot of things, but one of the most important is easy-to-access contact info. This card has a bit more print than our other examples, but as you can see, they don’t skimp on including all the most important information.

8. Go vertical

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There’s so much we love about this example! The bold blue and green color scheme, the awesome background image, and the organized layout are great design choices.

What we love most, though, is how the card design utilizes a vertical layout rather than a horizontal one, making it more unique.

9. Add a stand-out element

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Want your business card to be memorable? Then think outside the box. Here’s a great example of a simple way to make your card (literally) stand out from the rest.

We love the creative element as well as the bold color scheme and classy typography.

10. Make it shine

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Show your clients that you’re a cut above the rest by investing in a little extra something. There are plenty of ways to add some oomph to your card with special features such as embossing, foiling, using different paper stock, etc.

11. Use bold patterns

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Don’t hold anything back when it comes to business card design. Go big, go bold, and go brand-appropriate — just like this card here.

We like how the strong geometric designs mimic the logo and add some dynamic movement to the card.

12. Embrace your color palette

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If your brand sports any special colors, be sure to use them on your business card! A small (or large) splash of color can be a great way to get your card noticed. Here’s a gorgeous color scheme that doesn’t go overboard. The result? A professional and eye-catching look.

Time is money — and we can help you save both.
Learn about Epiic’s affordable design packages today.

Nailed It! Go Enjoy Your Designer Business Card

See? The design process isn’t nearly as bad as you thought it would be. Whether you opt for a professional design team or decide to take the project into your own hands, we hope these card ideas are just what you needed to help you design construction business cards for your company.

Construction Business Card FAQs
1. What should I put on my construction business card?

All the great business cards include a few common elements. Make sure your card has your:

  • Logo
  • Company name
  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Website/QR code
2. What should you not put on a business card?

When it comes to construction business card design, there are a few things you should avoid. Our list includes:

  • Personal contact info (keep it professional)
  • Outdated or irrelevant info
  • Too many visuals
  • Grammatical mistakes – any 😉

When in doubt about what to include, simply ask yourself, Do I need this on my card?

Jul 17, 2023

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A copywriter with hundreds of projects under her (figurative) belt, Beka enjoys the challenge of crafting unique content. She loves writing just as some people love trolling online message boards :) — in an unabashedly enthusiastic and slightly concerning way.

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