
Real Estate Business Card Examples to Help You Achieve the Perfect Look

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Working in the real estate industry is far from easy. From the marketing you do to the off-hours you work to the not-so-occasional difficult client, there’s always lots going on.

Add in the need to generate leads, and it makes a simple 9-to-5 look almost “heavenly”.

While we can’t show your houses or manage difficult personalities for you, we can help out on the lead front. How? 😉 By diving into the importance of a fabulous business card — and helping you out to come up with one.

❗ A great business card is sometimes exactly what you need to make a positive impact on potential clients and land your next job.

Below you’ll find 11 wonderful real estate business card examples and ideas to help inspire your card design. We’ve also put together a quick list of what should go on your card, as well as a handy step-by-step guide to help you design real estate business cards that work.

By the end of this post, you’ll be all set to create a potent card that can help you get the leads (and sales) you need. 🤓

Genius Business Card Design Ideas for Your Inspiration

What to Include on Your Real Estate Business Card

Your business card has two purposes:

  1. To help you connect with clients and generate leads
  2. To establish a professional and trustworthy image

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But to fulfill either of these purposes, your card has to include the right elements. It needs to offer your potential clients all the info they need to choose and contact you — and it’s got to do it in a very limited space. Here are five of the most important things to include when you design real estate business cards.

Your Name

As a realtor, part of what you’re selling is yourself. You want your potential clients to know and trust you, which is why it’s important to make yourself recognizable. Display your name in a prominent place to make it more noticeable and memorable.

Your Company/Logo

If you’re associated with a well-recognized company, be sure to include their logo or name. This will help reinforce your professionalism and trustworthiness.

Your Contact Info

This is the most important part of your card. Be sure to include several contact methods to appeal to a variety of buyers, such as:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Website URL/QR code
  • Social media handles

Branding Elements

A good design is essential to achieving a professional and memorable card. Be sure to include brand-appropriate colors, typography, and images to engage your contact and showcase your brand.

White Space

An over-cluttered card can mark you as a second-rate realtor, even if it’s just your design skills that need work. Including adequate negative space is a must if you want your card to look sleek and professional.

Creating a great business card takes time.
That’s why the profs turn to design teams like Epiic for great results.

6 Steps for Designing an Cool Real Estate Business Card

Whether you opt for a DIY business card or invest in a high-quality designer card, these six steps will help you nail your design.

Choose your shape

While most real estate business cards are rectangular – squares, circles, and die-cut cards are all becoming more popular. Just be sure that the card will still fit easily in a wallet.

Choose the size

The standard business card size in the U.S. is 3.5 x 2 inches. Yes, you can pick a different size. But if your card is too large or small, it can quickly become inconvenient to carry — and that means a one-way trip to the trash can.  ☹️

Add visuals

Let your logo take center stage here, but don’t forget other visuals such as pictures, photos, or icons.

Insert text

Now you’ll add all the relevant info discussed above. Be sure to include plenty of white space to keep things from looking cramped and cluttered.

Finalize the design

With all your basic elements taken care of, it’s time to get creative. Choose the perfect typography, colors, and other design elements that will help make your card memorable and unique. 👌💪

Pick the finish

Don’t skimp on materials. Choose a heavy-duty card stock at the very least. You can also invest in special treatments such as embossing, debossing, foil stamping, gloss, and more.

Bonus hacks:

  • Business cards have two sides for a reason — utilize the space.
  • You can stand out with alternate materials or special elements and designs — just make sure it’s brand-appropriate.
  • Don’t be tempted to overstuff your card.
  • Leave some open space to allow for personalization and taking notes.
  • Always double-check your card for typos and mistakes before sending it for printing.

Great business cards don’t design themselves. 🤓
Epiic offers unlimited professional designs at a fixed monthly cost.

Top 11 Effective Real Estate Business Card Designs

Ready to get inspired with ideas for your business card?

We’ve compiled 11 of our favorite real estate business card examples into one convenient list. We’ll point out the most effective elements of each card so that you can utilize them effectively in your design.

1. A pop of color

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A powerful burst of color is one of the best ways to catch your client’s eye. Bold colors — like the red and black above — make your card stand out in an interesting and aesthetic way.

NOTE! Just be sure to choose colors that fit your brand.

2. Well-organized layouts

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Business cards are relatively small, but you can still use the space effectively with the right design. This vertical variation manages to include a photo, text, and a large logo without looking cluttered or overwhelming.

3. Tactile textures

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A tactile business card instantly elevates your brand, especially if it also looks as good as the one in this example. Here, a beautiful diamond background and thick cardstock are combined with elegant gold text.

The result is – a luxurious yet professional business card.

4. A professional photo

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Adding a high-quality, professional photo is a great way to make a connection with your client.

It can also help make your card more interesting and memorable — and therefore less likely to end up in the trash.

5. Industry-appropriate symbols

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Potential clients should be able to understand your services at a glance, which is easy when you use the right design. Many real estate business cards sport common symbols such as a key, roof, or (as in this case) a building.

The important thing is to incorporate these elements uniquely and memorably.

6. An eye-catching logo

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An eye-catching logo — especially if it belongs to a well-known brand — pulls double duty for your card. Not only does it increase your trustworthiness, but it also makes you memorable.

We love how this large logo sports high-contrast colors and is in a very prominent location.

7. Geometric elements

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Dynamic shapes and lines can instantly add interest to your card, as is seen in this example. A common color palette and neutral picture are instantly elevated with the use of bold diagonal lines.

We also love the compartmentalized contact symbols on the left.

8. A golden ticket

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Whether it be accents, lettering, or even full backgrounds, gold can make your card look very impressive. This color represents luxury, elegance, and authority.

It’s a perfect choice if you want to communicate that you offer superior services.

9. Unique and interesting elements

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If you want to stand out, then you’ve got to think outside of the box — just like this card does.

The 3D logo and light-catching background pattern make this example unique and unforgettable.

10. Cityscapes and skylines

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The multi-hued cityscape in this example not only adds some visual interest but also reflects the logo and purpose of the card.

By using a neutral color palette, the designer has created a classy and coherent look that flows flawlessly.

11. A refreshing minimal look

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A minimalist real estate business card design is a classy (and classic) choice that indicates your focus and determination. This elegant and spare design communicates all the necessary info without being overwhelming.

The addition of matte gold lettering and a cut-off font lends an interesting and elegant vibe to the card.

A great business card is an affordable investment with “R” – Returns.
With Epiic, when we say “affordable”, we mean “A” – Affordable. 😉

Summing It Up

A great business card design will leave a positive impression on your future clients. This can help you form connections that will benefit your business. Whether you opt for a professionally designed card or choose the DIY route, a quality business card is sure to benefit your business.

Real Estate Business Card Design FAQs
1. What should I put on my real estate business card?

Make it easy for your potential client to contact you, and include necessary info such as:

  • Your name
  • Your contact details (phone number, email address, website, etc.)
  • Your credentials/company

And be sure that your card sports a clean and uncluttered design that showcases your professional competence.

2. Should I put my picture on my real estate business card?

Adding a picture can make your card more memorable and help distinguish you from the competition. However, an unflattering or unprofessional photo will make you stand out for all the wrong reasons. Whether you leave off the picture to make room for more important info or include a professional headshot is up to you.

Aug 15, 2023

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A copywriter with hundreds of projects under her (figurative) belt, Beka enjoys the challenge of crafting unique content. She loves writing just as some people love trolling online message boards :) — in an unabashedly enthusiastic and slightly concerning way.

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