
How Epiic boosted organic traffic
4x in 6 months

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Epiic is a website development and optimization agency that has been helping businesses grow for over a decade.

We know how powerful SEO is, which is why we rely on it ourselves!

Our SEO experts have been able to increase our organic traffic 4 times in just 6 months.


Before implementing our SEO strategy, our domain rating (DR) was low, causing a range of problems:

  • Low online visibility
  • Organic traffic had plateaued
  • Low conversion rates

These issues were major red flags. They indicated that our website wasn’t ranking well, making it harder for the people searching for our services to find us online. With low online visibility, our traffic couldn’t lift off. And without high website traffic, we weren’t bringing in a steady flow of leads, leaving us without enough conversion opportunities to reach our growth goals.

Our team performed an audit to investigate the root causes of our website’s poor performance. During our audit, we uncovered a handful of serious technical issues, such as missing alt tags and broken links. We also realized our page load times were too slow. A slow website diminishes the user experience, which is a pet peeve for Google. Search engine algorithms tend to rank slower sites even lower. The bottom line: we needed an SEO overhaul.

The solution

Technical issues

Epiic encountered several technical problems. Our main issue impacting website traffic: slow page loading on the mobile version of our site. This was a major concern, as page speed is a really crucial user experience indicator for Google.

Here’s what we did:

  • Conducted a technical audit to identify all errors. We
    fixed sitemap errors and usability issues.
  • Optimized heavy images. We changed the file size, updated alt
    attributes, and updated the format where necessary.
  • Worked extensively on optimizing JS code and minimizing CSS. This
    allowed us to get rid of code that was slowing down the site.
  • Implemented lazy loading for content. We focused on the content that
    was non-essential to preserve the user experience.

Now we’re finally in the green zone of Google’s Page Speed Insights:

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In addition to addressing the slow loading issue, we
also resolved other errors:

  • Eliminated 404 errors
  • Removed unnecessary pages from the sitemap.xml
  • Checked and corrected errors with missing meta-tags

All of these updates helped to improve the user experience, encouraging Google and other search engines to lift our website’s position in the results pages. This is Epiic’s website health on Ahrefs after all the fixes we’ve implemented:

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Low traffic and low domain ranking

We needed to boost our traffic to connect with potential customers looking for our services.

We did this by focusing on content. We conducted keyword research to find relevant topics and then built a content plan around the needs of our target audience.

To ensure our content would lift our website metrics, we created briefs for experienced writers and produced a large amount of blog content as well as new service pages. Here’s an example of our SEO brief for a blog article.

We also boosted our rankings with link building. We created a strategy for generating backlinks, which included creating high-value content and distributing it on platforms in our niche with a high domain ranking.

Low conversion rates

We used several strategies to convert web visitors into leads. We also started constantly testing our efforts (and still test them today) to help uncover what’s effective and how to further optimize our site for conversions.

Here’s what we did:

  • Developed compelling and clear CTAs: We identified our visitors’ pain points and experimented with creating calls to action that resonated with our users.
  • Created lead magnets: We prepared several types of lead magnets to engage users, such as a website checklist for quick site review, offers of free express audits, and others.
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The solution

We’ve supercharged our site’s technical health, boosted our rankings, and reduced user experience friction on our site, helping to boost conversions.

Take a look:


Our audit and strategy have led to a significant boost in traffic.

  • We went from 350 users to 1,200 in only 6 months.
  • Our domain ranking rose from 19 to 26.
  • The Epiic website is more visible — it appears for 2,700 search queries instead of 1,719.
  • The number of queries in the top 10 results went from 30 to 130!

Not only that, but more of our site visitors converted. More users were willing to share their data and engage with us. We conducted numerous express audits, which in turn motivated clients to order other services from us — website audits, web development, and keyword research.

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